People have always been skeptical about the size of the penis. In one of the recent surveys, it was found that around 75% of men suffer from some sort of issues related to the size of the penis. This leads us to look for some solution to this problem.

Men always want to add a few more inches to their penis. Due to ongoing scams in the penis enlargement markets, many men are not sure about which method to choose i.e. erection enhancement pills, penis enlargement extenders, or penis stretching exercises.

It is not just about increasing the penis size. One can get a bigger erection if he uses a good sex enhancer and this can help to increase the size of the penis and to make it bigger and stronger.

How to Choose Penis Enlargement Option?

What are the main concerns when you think of buying a penis enlargement tool? You want it to be safe and effective.

And the most effective method will depend on your penis, your genetics, lifestyle, etc. There are more than one type of enlargement available, so you need to determine the type that will work best for you before you choose.

The good thing is that there are various different types of penis enlargement tools available today. Some may actually work better than others, and also what the best method is will vary from person to person. Most people, however, can add inches to their penis using different methods and the best enlargement methods for you is determined by the type of penis you have.

Is Surgery a Good Method?

The first thought which comes to the mind when one talks about the penis enlargement solutions is that they only involve surgery.

While many surgeries have been found to increase penis size but you cannot simply depend on the surgery. There are several other penis enlargement solutions as well.

Some men opt for natural penis enlargement options while some use the medical method. This is not a question of what is best.

It is an individual choice. But if you are not sure whether you should go with the penis stretching exercises or not, then you should read the entire article to understand the whole concept of penis extenders and this may help you to make the right choice.

What are penis stretching exercises?

Penis enlargement is actually a very simple concept as well as it can give a great sexual experience to a man. You just need to exercise right.

A good set of penis enlargement exercises which you can follow can be quite helpful in the long run. A regular exercise routine can help you increase the size of the penis and improve erection quality.

Nowadays, males believe in different penis stretching exercise because they work in a great manner, without leaving behind any side effects. If you are not sure whether penis enlargements exercise actually work, read the following pros and cons of penis stretching exercises.

Pros of Penis Stretching Exercises

If you like many men think that penis enlargement exercises do not work in reality, then you will be shocked to know that penis enlargement exercises are medically tested and approved by doctors. According to various clinical studies, with consistent penis stretching exercises, an average penis size increases by 1.8 inches / 5 cm in length and 1.6 inches / 4.5 cm in girth within a few months. The penis stretching exercises are proven to work and recommended by medical experts.

These exercises not only increase the size and girth of the penis but also improve the sexual and reproductive health of a man, too. They can also improve the erection of the penis and they are known to boost sexual stamina.

Thus, if you are confronting stamina and erection issues, then you should start with practicing basic penis stretching exercises. Once you have achieved and developed that much strength within the penis, then you should start moving forward to the next level of exercises.

Reproductive health

The reason why penis stretching exercises can boost reproductive function is because they can have a positive impact on your sexual health. If you want to become a great lover and want to satisfy your partner in the bed, then all these exercises will be beneficial!

Another benefit of penis stretching exercises is that they are safe for your health and comfortable in your daily routine. They do not make any negative impact on your health. If you follow the instructions while performing all these exercises then you can confidently increase the size of the penis and girth by a few inches or centimeters.

Exercises are not time-consuming

Moreover, if you think that the penis stretching exercises would consume more time than other strategies, then don’t worry as they would take only ten to twenty minutes of your daily tasks. You can afford to do these exercises because they are economical and free of cost as compared to the other penis enlargement tools and techniques.

Compared to the other penis enhancement methods such as pills, vacuum pumps and other herbal methods, penis enlargement exercises are safer as they do not create any harmful effect on the health of the penis.

Some herbs and penis supplements are good for penis size but they can create an adverse impact on health. They can create a range of health problems for you such as nausea, high or low blood pressure, heart attacks, etc.

Cons of Penis Stretching Exercises

There are a few things to consider if you want to try stretching your penis. You must do enough research to be able to make the choice.

The main reason why people don’t want to use this method is that it takes a long time to see the results. Also, in our fast era, nobody wants something that takes more time than alternative options, even when this method can show positive results. Thus, it can be not a feasible method for everyone.

Risk of Injury

One more possible risk of penis stretching exercises is possible injury. If you are a beginner and you have never done penis stretching exercises before, make sure to check the advice or view the video manual before going on with your first set of exercises. Some people may experience discomfort when trying to stretch their penis, which is normal. If this happens to you, just make sure you check out your techniques before proceeding with the exercises.

Be careful while using lubricants as they could cause an irritant reaction, so make sure to check them out first.


Other than that, penis stretching exercises are a proven method of enlarging your penis without pills. In addition to the exercises that can be found in books, there are quite a few other things that you can do to give you an even bigger, more prominent erection. This is a proven method to increase penis size without risks!