All of my life I have dreamed of becoming a person that will change the world. As I was a kid I always made some silly patents and performed various tests much of that I owe to the cartoon Dexter’s Laboratory. I was fascinated with the little boy that had his own lab and who spent the entire day studying and discovering new life and new laws of nature.

So when I was in elementary school I was really fascinated in biology class and especially about the topic that was called “Men’s Genetics“. I believed that genetics is the best science because it shows us, humans, no matter how complex we seem to be, in our bare form, in the form of chemical bonds and constant flow of life.

I immediately fell in love with biology and chemistry and was the best student in my class in these subjects.

That is why I couldn’t wait to graduate and start my further studies as a scientist. Since I was one of the best students in my generation it was easy for me to get in the top schools. And one day I became a Harvard student. It’s a funny story of how I got in, actually.

How I Learned Traction and Stretching Devices

You see in order to even get a chance of getting into Harvard you have to write an essay about the topic you wish to study. Why do you like it and how you plan to use the knowledge they will give you? I was at my home turf here and I wrote a detailed essay about devices that use traction technology and how I wish to further improve myself.

The dean was thrilled when we read it and told me that my essay about traction devices is by far the most complete analysis of the subject that he’d read all year.

Naturally, that meant that I was accepted instantly with a full scholarship. The next part of my life is a bit boring since I mostly spent my days studying in the class or working in the lab. At the end of my senior year, I got my own lab space and moved my room into a tiny part of it.

Now I was living in the lab and could work all I desired. My tests were mostly performed on animals but sometimes I needed some samples of human tissue and that proved difficult since I was not an acknowledged doctor.

But the day finally came and I got my diploma and I graduated with the highest honors. I was immediately contacted by a research foundation whose goal was to cure people of male-related diseases. They said that they contacted Harvard looking for somebody enthusiastic to work in that field and that the dean recommended me.

After they have read my latest study again called “Enlargement devices for men” they instantly knew that they have to have me. I was in heaven. I got my own lab, a couple of technicians to work the menial tasks and all the challenge I desired. Furthermore, I guess that I am one of the lucky ones that work what he loves.

My Enlargement Tale

The aim of this penis enlargement study (my enlargement tale) is to provide an overview of the current penile enlargement extenders available on the market. An extensive online search has been performed. Data extracted from publications, product websites, and product information sheets included product characteristics, indications, contraindications, complications, advantages, limitations and side effects.

Penile enlargement extenders are widely used to add volume to the penis. There is a great variability in size, type and composition.

The exact mechanism of action of each extender differs. The application and handling of penile enlargement extenders requires detailed instructions and proper follow-up. Although they can be bought easily on the Internet or over the counter, health care professionals need to pay attention to these extenders due to limited data on their use and lack of follow-up instructions.

Penile extenders are not only useful for penile enlargement. They can be used to improve penile rigidity in individuals with mild erectile dysfunction, as well as for the treatment of Peyronie’s disease. They can be considered a good alternative for individuals seeking non-invasive treatment and can be used safely at home. Here we present the current penile enlargement extenders on the market and include some of their clinical advantages and disadvantages.

Penile extender devices can be a good alternative for individuals seeking treatment with a non-invasive method, and they have the advantage of being safe and easy to use. Penile enlargement extenders are considered the first-line therapy for Peyronie’s disease.

They have been shown to provide effective and predictable gains in penis length, penile curvature, and girth. Several studies have shown improved patient satisfaction with penile extenders and have established the efficacy of these devices for use in post-surgery patients.

Feel free to choose one of the pages in the right menu to find more information about particular penile enlargement extenders, learn how they work, explore their benefits and side effects.