Often people ask questions like why there is a need for penis enlargement devices because there are a lot of other options available in the market that are handy enough to increase the size of the penis.

Well, if you have ever thought of increasing the size of your penis then you are in the right direction.

Here you will come to know why penis stretching devices are better than any other method of increasing the size of the penis.

Penis stretching extender is one of the best methods to increase the size of the penis. The reason why this method is considered to be the best among different methods is that it adds a few inches to your penis without any harmful effect. However, if you still have doubt whether male traction device work or not, then you should go through the following article.

But before that, let’s find out what exactly the penis stretching devices is all about?

Penis Stretching Devices – What exactly are those?

A penis enlargement device helps in stretching out the penis of men. These devices apply a gentle traction on the penis tissue and doing this for a consistent period of time triggers the body natural response to increasing the tissue which is responsible for growing the size of the penis.

The continuous pressure on the penis stretches soft tissue by growing the new tissue. It also helps to intact the curvature and further reduces the penile plaque. Further, these devices are suitable for those people who are suffering from penis length related diseases such as: Peyronie’s disease, Balanitis, Phimosis, Paraphimosis, Priapism, etc.

Devices curing different penis related diseases

Devices such as penis vacuum pumps and penis extenders are known to be the most suitable devices that are capable of curing different penis related diseases. These devices majorly focus on reconstructing scar tissues that are responsible for the growth of the penis.

Penis Extenders

They are said to be low risk as well as non-invasive medical devices. It is suitable for those people who are looking to have good erection quality and want to solve the issue of a bent penis. Penis extenders focus on the curvature of the penis as well as on its girth and length.

Such commonly known penis extenders that are available in the market include SizeGenetics, X4 Labs, PeniMaster Pro, Male Edge Extender, and Quick Extender Pro etc.

Penis Vacuum Pumps

This device helps in stabilizing or improving penis curvature. Penis vacuum pumps are often called a vacuum erection device that is very easy to use. While using penis vacuum pumps it should be kept in mind that the pressure of the device does not exceed 250 mmHg.

Those suffering from Peyronie’s disease should keep in mind that only those devices should be used that are qualified vacuum pumps.

What Does Penis Stretcher Do?

The penis stretcher basically stretches the tissue of the penis which will make the penis big in less than a month. The penis traction tool is connected to the root of the penis. It is essential for a person to wear the penis stretching device for several months to see the best result.

Such devices are not harmful. So, if you are looking to buy one to increase the size of your penis then there is nothing to worry. They are usually safe to use.

Benefits of Penis Stretching Devices

Some benefits of using Penis Stretching Devices includes:-

  • These devices are safer to use. It is safer than pills and surgery as lots of things can go wrong during such procedures.
  • Male using penis stretching devices have a more impressive erection.
  • With the growth in the size of the penis, males can definitely improve their performance in bed.
  • Penis stretching devices are a lot more inexpensive compared to other enlargement methods such as surgeries or pills. It’s a onetime investment that can bring positive results.

Clinical Studies

There have been several clinical studies that prove: penis extender device is the best way to increase the penis size.

The investigation in 2017 took a year (one year) with 21 men matured, 47 in normal partaking and 16 of them finishing it. Twelve men experienced dysmorphia (over the top aversion of a body part), and eight men had penis ebb and flow surgeries. Prior to the trial began, the patients had experienced psychosexual directing to guarantee the adequacy of the treatment. It was found that:-

  • A normal penis length when flabby measured up to 7.15 cm (2.82 in), expanded by 32% to 9.45 cm (3.72 in) (Month 12).
  • A normal penis length when erect approached to 9.62 cm (3.79 in), expanded by 18% to 11.32 cm (4.45 in) (Month 12).
  • A normal penis size measured up to 10.4 cm (4.09 in). No huge increment was accounted for.
  • Average erectile capacity scores were 19.9 out of 30 toward the start and expanded by 36% to 27.1 out of 30 (Month 12).
  • The members indicated high fulfillment levels in all classes however circumference increment. A normal fulfillment score measured up to 2.8 (0 to 4 scale with four demonstrating ideal outcomes).
  • Flaccid penis length scores equivalent to 2.31, and erect penis length met to 2.37 (0 to 3 scale with three indicating huge change).
  • Penis circumference scored 1.1 (0 to 3 scale with three demonstrating critical change).
  • Sex life scored 2.3 (0 to 3 scale with three demonstrating critical change).
  • There are four patients who have quit wearing the footing gadget because of penile wounding and torment, the absence of proficiency, wanted outcomes picked up in three months, and powerlessness to adhere to the convention. What’s more, one more member was lost to development.

These days, there are great deals of surgical methodology that offer penis growth. Be that as it may, Dr. Gontero says that the vast majority of them have critical cons and potential dangers. Plus, the patients are disappointed with their outcomes.

American directions don’t permit penis broadening surgeries for men with a penis length of 4 cm (1.57 inches) when limp. Also, in the examination, there was just a single man who had the penis not as much as that estimation. Along these lines, most men who want to make their masculinity bigger don’t meet the surgery criteria and can’t understand their fantasies.

Next Step: Find out how penis stretching devices work