What is a Peyronie’s disease? It is a disease that is caused by scar tissues present in the penis called plaque. This disease can result in a bent of the penis and can also cause erection problem. However, most of the men can still have sex even while suffering from Peyronie’s disease. But, in severe conditions, this can cause pain while having sex or normal activities.

As a result, men may need to delay sex or stop sex altogether, for a period of time.

Read this article for information about penis curvature, Peyronie disease, and find the best treatment options.

Peyronie’s disease COMPLICATIONS

One of the most immediate ways in which Peyronie’s disease will affect you is the sudden loss of blood flow to certain parts of your penis, which will prevent you from having intercourse.

This disorder also affects sexual drive in men. Most men can still have sex or make love, but in Peyronie’s disease, this may cause the couple to avoid sex, or take a day or two off from sex or pleasure.

Who gets Peyronie’s disease?

Now the question arises that what causes this disease?

Doctors actually are not sure why Peyronie’s disease happens. However, doctors say that this disease occurs because of the problem in fibrous plaque that lets bleeding inside the penis. In most of the cases, you would not notice the injury or trauma.

Actually, this disease can happen to anyone such as younger men, middle-aged men, and old men. However, after a certain age the chance of this disease increases.

This is due to a progressive deterioration in the surrounding tissue. If left untreated, the disease will be progressive and eventually result in erectile dysfunction.

Peyronie’s Disease Symptoms

The main Peyronie’s Disease symptom is a bent penis. However, there is a difference between penile curvature and Peyronie’s Disease.

The affected penis may have the appearance of curved or “twisted”. The penile curvature may be normal if it does not cause pain or discomfort.

Though the curvature may look fine in certain positions, the penile curvature may become more noticeable when the penis is erect. During sexual activities, this may cause unpleasant feelings and prevent a couple from having sex.

These symptoms of the disease may develop gradually or happen immediately. You can’t see a problem when the penis is normal or soft. The bent of the penis causes the pain and erection problem. Thus, in order to solve the issue, one should choose proper treatment option (see also: penis curvature correction). For example, there are devices to straighten the penis and treat Peyronie’s disease.

However, within the time the pain decreases but the bend or curvature of the penis advances. Even in extreme cases, scar tissue is seen developing in the body too. You can see the scar on foot and fingers.

Peyronie’s Disease: Tests and Treatment

The following are the lists of tests that a doctor usually recommends to a patient suffering from Peyronie’s disease. These tests also help in finding out the major issues that might be responsible for causing Peyronie’s disease.

Physical exam

The first thing you need to do is to obtain a penile examination, performed by a surgeon in a hospital or private clinic.

An examination is performed to test your penile anatomy, check your symptoms and see if you suffer from Peyronie’s disease.

During the physical exam, the doctor will feel (touch) the penis of the patient at the time when it is not erect. This process will help the doctor to find out the location and the amount of scar tissue present in the penis.

The doctor might also measure the penis length to keep a record in case the situation worsens and compare the length of your penis later too.

The doctor might also ask you to take photos of your erect penis at home and bring those photographs with you at the time of consultation. These photographs will help the doctor to determine the location of scar tissue, the degree of curvature or other similar details that will be helpful to identify the best treatment approach.

Ultrasound & Other tests

In order to find out the symptom of Peyronie’s disease, the doctor might also request you to have an ultrasound of your erect penis. This procedure might be a painful one as, during the process, the doctor will inject an injection directly into the penis to make it erect and take images of your penis easily.

Ultrasound is said to be the most common way to find out any abnormalities in the penis. This test produces images of soft tissues by making use of sound waves that further display the blood flow to the penis, the presence of scar tissue and other abnormalities.

If the results of this test reveal any deformity of your penis, your doctors can also suggest to you the application of penile straightening device. This might help to restore your erectile function and also to straighten the penis. Your blood test will also check if there are any changes in the levels of hormones.

Peyronie’s Disease Treatment

Once the problem has been determined, your doctor might choose to wait for the treatment in case:

  • If someone still has a good erectile function.
  • The curvature of the patient’s penis is no longer worsening.
  • If someone can still have erections.
  • If someone can have sex without going through any mild pain.

Peyronie’s Disease SURGERY

In case if the situation continues to worsen and the patient can no longer handle pain then the doctor might suggest going for a penile surgery, have required medication or penis curvature correction device.

Man today often choose to have corrective surgery for Peyronie’s disease, but this is not the best solution. This surgery can be very difficult, it is often performed not for cosmetic reasons only but if a patient suffers from pains and discomfort.

Penis correction device

Penis correction device is a tool that corrects deformities in the penis. It is a new medical procedure that was introduced by a urologist in 1996. In terms of the procedure, PCD involves using a form of device that gradually straighten the male penis, while increasing its length and preventing curvatures.