Lately, I have been looking into various ways of increasing penis size, not because I was feeling inadequate or anything, but simply because the society itself today is so intensely focused on the question of size that it’s essentially very hard to feel good about yourself and believe in the old saying that it’s not the size that counts but how you use it. So, how to increase penis size?

It turns out to be a very common but often unanswered question: How to increase penis size without risks? I will try to find out!

Unfortunately, when people say, “I don’t need to be large,” I find that not all those comments are genuine. There is a general tendency among men to attribute more to their anatomy than to their character. Moreover, most men know that women do prefer men with bigger devices – whatever they say.

What are the Risks of Penis Enlargement?

Men looking to increase their penis size have several options available, ranging from surgical interventions to non-surgical methods. Each method comes with its own set of potential benefits and risks. It’s important to understand these options thoroughly to make an informed decision that prioritizes safety and realistic expectations.

Surgical Options

Penis Lengthening Surgery (Ligamentolysis)

Procedure: This surgery involves cutting the suspensory ligament that attaches the penis to the pubic bone, allowing the penis to hang lower and appear longer.


  • Immediate increase in visible length.


  • Infection.
  • Scarring.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Loss of penis stability during erections.
  • Unsatisfactory cosmetic results.

Girth Enhancement Surgery

Procedure: Several techniques can be used, including fat transfer (lipofilling), dermal grafts, or injectable fillers to increase the circumference of the penis.


  • Noticeable increase in girth.


  • Irregular or uneven results.
  • Infection.
  • Nodule formation or lumps.
  • Absorption of fat leading to loss of girth over time.

Penile Implants

Procedure: Typically used for erectile dysfunction, some implants can also provide a slight increase in size. Inflatable or semi-rigid rods are implanted within the penile shaft.


  • Improves erectile function and stability.
  • Can provide a slight increase in girth.


  • Surgical risks like infection and device malfunction.
  • Implant erosion or extrusion.
  • Potential need for revision surgery.

Non-Surgical Options

Penile Traction Devices

Procedure: These devices apply gentle, consistent stretching to the penis over an extended period, encouraging tissue growth.


  • Non-invasive and generally safe.
  • Gradual and natural results.
  • Supported by some scientific studies.


  • Temporary discomfort or skin irritation.
  • Requires commitment and consistent use.
  • Results may vary and take time to become noticeable.

Vacuum Pumps

Procedure: A vacuum device creates negative pressure around the penis, drawing blood into the penile tissue and causing it to swell temporarily.


  • Immediate, although temporary, increase in size.
  • Can help with erectile dysfunction.


  • Potential for bruising or injury if used improperly.
  • Temporary nature of results.
  • Overuse can lead to damage to blood vessels and tissues.

Injectable Fillers

Procedure: Hyaluronic acid or other fillers are injected into the penile shaft to increase girth.


  • Non-surgical with immediate results.
  • Reversible if using absorbable fillers.


  • Risk of infection or allergic reaction.
  • Lumps or uneven distribution of filler.
  • Need for regular maintenance to retain results.

Penile Exercises (Jelqing)

Procedure: Manual stretching exercises are performed to supposedly increase length and girth over time.


  • No cost and can be done at home.


  • Limited scientific evidence supporting effectiveness.
  • Potential for injury or damage if performed incorrectly.
  • Results are highly variable and not guaranteed.

Hormonal Treatments

Procedure: Use of testosterone or other hormones to promote growth.


  • May be effective in specific cases, such as hormone deficiencies.


  • Limited effectiveness for penis enlargement in adults.
  • Potential side effects from hormone use, including heart problems, mood swings, and fertility issues.
  • Requires medical supervision.

Supplements and Pills

Procedure: Over-the-counter supplements claim to enhance penis size through various herbal or chemical ingredients.


  • Easy to obtain and use.


  • Largely ineffective with no scientific backing.
  • Potential side effects from unregulated ingredients.
  • Waste of money and possible interaction with other medications.

Weighing the Options

Choosing the right method to increase penis size involves careful consideration of the potential benefits and risks. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Realistic Expectations: Understand that many non-surgical methods offer modest improvements and that surgical options come with significant risks and costs.
  • Health and Safety: Prioritize methods that minimize health risks and long-term complications.
  • Cost: Consider the financial investment required, especially for surgical procedures.
  • Commitment: Non-surgical methods often require consistent effort over time to achieve results.
  • Psychological Impact: Address underlying body image issues through counseling or therapy, as surgery may not fully resolve these concerns.


Increasing penis size is a personal decision that should be approached with caution and a thorough understanding of all available options. Surgical methods can offer immediate results but come with higher risks and costs. Non-surgical options like penile traction devices and vacuum pumps provide safer alternatives, though they require patience and commitment. Ultimately, consulting with a healthcare professional can help guide men towards the most suitable and safe method for their needs, ensuring they make an informed and confident choice.

Penis Size: Bigger is better

Yes, even the ladies, regardless of how supportive some of them might be, really have to admit that a bigger penis is better. At least if you want to be accepted and be taken seriously as a man. This has got me thinking and I decided to see what types of advances modern science has to offer in the field of making your member bigger.

Why Penis Size Matters to Men

Well, for starters, we’re mammals and have long been attracted to the size of the males in our area. When it comes to sexual attractiveness, we’re animals. So the fact that the penis is a part of our body means that we’re always looking for one thing: bigger.


Our sex drive is pretty high and the thought of being the one to satisfy your partner is definitely a plus.

It’s more than just being a man; it’s a very personal satisfaction to be a real man in this world. Men like to have a big penis and see that the penis of their partners is bigger as well. There’s just something about how it all adds up and can help make us feel real men, all to make our wives and girlfriends happy.

What are the Options to Increase Penis Size Without Risks?

And the first idea that came to my mind is well-known penis enlargement surgery. This has been used for years to enlarge male penis. Although this type of surgery has proven records of success, this often comes with side effects.

That is why I decided to rule out surgery at the very beginning of my quest to find something that might work, simply because I couldn’t really picture myself handing over my Johnson to some guy with a knife, regardless of how highly skilled and well-educated he might be.

Vacuum Pumps

The next option I considered was the various models of penis pumps that are available on the market right now. The biggest advantage I see for penis pumps is that there are different ranges of pressure and they support various sizes (from the small and very small to the big and extremely large).

I started reading up on those and saw that various people have mostly come to the same conclusion, that they essentially only have short-term effects and that they very hardly achieve any type of permanent increase in male penis size. They are mostly focused on fighting erectile dysfunction anyway, and not on the matter of size. So if you have trouble with erection, this might be an option for you. But if your goal is to enlarge your penis, you might look for something else.

Creams and Pills

I have to say here that I didn’t even need to read up on the effectiveness of various crèmes and pills to know that none of them actually work, but I did so anyway and turned out to be completely right about them. Many actually don’t do what they promise. And those that do work are either in fact not very effective or are quite useless in real life.

Just like with penis pumps, certain creams and pills may increase blood flow to the penis, thus providing better and stronger erections. But they can not physically enlarge a penis. And you may probably want a permanent increase in penis size and don’t want to remember to swallow a pill or apply a cream before intercourse… or maybe in a bath?

However, this is when I ran into a whole new category of products called penile extenders.

Penis Extenders

These are basically small devices that you wear on your penis and in time they offer an increase in size. These devices are also designed for permanent treatment of penile curvature.

These are basically small devices that you wear on your penis, and in time they offer an increase in size as well as permanent treatment of penile curvature. Devices come in various styles that you can choose according to your requirements. These can be made of either metal, rubber or plastic. This is a great option for most men suffering from curvature because there is a possibility of getting results in a short period of time.

Penile extenders are a great way to increase your penis size, improve your erection and strengthen your penis. It is usually one of the top choice for men who wish to treat their curvature. This device works by forcing the penile tissues to lengthen and eventually force your penis to straighten out.

The result is usually an increase in size as well as improvement of the appearance of your penis. These are usually used in combination with stretching exercises that can help in treating your curvature and in time this treatment can offer results for both cases.

One product, in particular, came to my attention.

It is called JesExtender and it seems to be the best that the industry currently has to offer. The process on which JesExtender relies on is often compared to training the muscles in your body with weights.

Lifting weights basically stretches the muscle, allowing for more cellular division and in turn, an increase in size and the same goes for wearing the JesExtender device on your penis. That’s right; just like you go to the gym to increase muscles, the JesExtender device expands and enlarges your penis, helping your penis get longer and wider.

The increase in the cellular division means that the cells will be able to hold more blood and this, in turn, means that you will gain length.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using a Penile Extender

  1. Read the InstructionsEvery penile extender comes with specific instructions for use. Carefully read and understand these instructions before beginning.
  2. Prepare the Device
    • Assemble the extender according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.
    • Adjust the rods to a length slightly longer than your flaccid penis length.
  3. Attach the Device
    • Place the base ring at the base of your penis.
    • Position the penis through the ring and under the rods.
    • Secure the head of your penis with the strap or noose, ensuring it is snug but not too tight to avoid discomfort or reduced blood flow.
  4. Adjust the Tension
    • Gradually increase the tension to apply a gentle stretch to the penis. The device should feel snug but not painful.
    • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on tension adjustments to avoid over-stretching.
  5. Wear the Device
    • Start with short sessions, such as 1-2 hours per day, and gradually increase the duration as your body adapts.
    • Aim for a total of 4-6 hours per day for optimal results, as recommended by most manufacturers.
  6. Monitor Your Progress
    • Keep track of your usage time and any changes in penis size.
    • Regularly check for any signs of discomfort, bruising, or other issues. If any problems arise, stop using the device and consult a healthcare professional.
  7. Consistency is Key
    • Consistency is crucial for achieving results with penile extenders. Use the device regularly over several months to see noticeable changes.
    • Patience is essential, as significant changes may take several months to become evident.

Tips for Effective and Safe Use

  1. Start Slow. Begin with shorter sessions and lower tension to allow your penis to adapt to the stretching.
  2. Stay Comfortable. Ensure the device is comfortable and not causing pain. Adjust the tension and positioning as needed to maintain comfort.
  3. Maintain Hygiene. Clean the device regularly to prevent infections and ensure it is functioning correctly.
  4. Take Breaks. Take breaks if you experience discomfort or if wearing the device becomes inconvenient. Listen to your body and give it time to rest and recover.
  5. Combine with Exercises. Some users find that combining penile extenders with penile exercises (like jelqing) can enhance results. However, be cautious and gentle to avoid injury.
  6. Consult a Professional. Before starting, and if you experience any issues, consult with a healthcare professional to ensure you are using the device safely and effectively.

Expected Results and Timeframe

The results of using penile extenders can vary widely between individuals. Most users can expect:

  • Length Gains: A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine reported average gains of 1-2 cm (0.4-0.8 inches) in length after several months of consistent use.
  • Girth Gains: While length is the primary area of improvement, some users may also see slight increases in girth.
  • Erect and Flaccid Size: Gains are typically observed in both erect and flaccid states.

Visible results usually start to appear after 3-6 months of consistent use, with more substantial gains over extended periods (up to a year or more).

Clinical Studies

This penis extender seems to be a globally marketed and well-accepted product both in the US and in the rest of the world. There are numerous third-party clinical studies results; they show that it is entirely safe and very effective in increasing size and in some cases even the girth. It seems that it works so well because it does exactly what it says it will do.

All in all, penile extenders are definitely the safest and most effective, non-surgical method of enlarging the penis and this is the way I feel the safest in selecting all the other alternatives offered on the market today.


Penile extenders offer a safe and non-invasive method to increase penis size. By applying consistent, gentle traction, these devices can stimulate tissue growth and lead to measurable gains in length and, to a lesser extent, girth. Success with penile extenders requires patience, consistency, and proper usage. Always prioritize comfort and safety, and consider consulting a healthcare professional to guide you through the process. With the right approach, penile extenders can be an effective tool for those seeking to enhance their penis size.